Emergency Dental Services at Cedar Park Dental Wellness
When dental emergencies strike, quick action can make all the difference. At Cedar Park Dental Wellness, we understand the urgency of these situations and provide prompt, professional care to alleviate pain and prevent further complications.
What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?
Severe tooth pain can indicate a serious underlying issue
Knocked-out teeth require immediate attention for the best chance of saving them
Facial swelling may signal a dangerous infection
Uncontrolled bleeding needs prompt medical intervention
Trauma to the jaw or facial bones can be life-threatening
Dental emergencies are potentially life-threatening conditions that require immediate treatment. These can include uncontrolled bleeding, severe infections with facial swelling, or trauma involving facial bones that may compromise your airway.
According to the American Dental Association, there are approximately 2 million emergency department visits annually for dental pain in the United States.
Common Dental Emergencies We Treat
At Cedar Park Dental Wellness, we're equipped to handle a variety of dental emergencies.
Severe toothaches
Often indicative of infection or deep decay, requiring immediate treatment to prevent spread.
Knocked-out tooth
Quick action can save the tooth if it's properly preserved and you seek care promptly.
Cracked or broken teeth
These can lead to pain and further damage if not addressed quickly.
Lost fillings or crowns
While not always painful, these can expose sensitive areas and should be fixed soon.
Steps to Take During a Dental Emergency
Stay calm
Panic can cloud judgment and worsen the situation.
Contact us immediately
Even after hours, you can request an appointment online, leave us a voicemail, or text our office number, and we will get back to you as soon as possible to address your urgent dental needs.
Manage pain and bleeding
Use over-the-counter pain relievers and apply gentle pressure to bleeding areas.
Preserve knocked-out teeth
Keep the tooth moist in milk or saliva and bring it to our office.
Protect broken teeth
Cover sharp edges with sugar-free gum to prevent cuts as a temporary solution.
Come to our office
We offer comprehensive emergency dental services, eliminating the need for multiple specialist visits. Our experienced team is equipped to handle a wide range of urgent dental issues in one location.