Missing teeth ruin smiles, cause discomfort, undermine chewing functions, impair digestive systems, and over time it leads to the destruction of the opposing and neighboring teeth. Luckily, modern dentistry has a unique solution for this problem- dental implants, which today is the latest progressive method for restoring lost teeth.
What are the benefits of dental implants?- Restore missing teeth.
- Preserve facial structure and bone.
- Improve appearance.
- Predictable and long-lasting result.
- Safe for other teeth.
- Natural look matching the existing teeth.
- Convenience and improved self-confidence.
Who is not a good fit for dental implants?There are two categories of dental implant contraindications- absolute (completely impossible) and relative (possible only if you follow certain conditions).
Absolute contraindications.- blood and hematopoietic diseases,
- CNS diseases,
- malignant tumors,
- immune pathology,
- taking bisphosphonates,
- tuberculosis,
- bruxism,
- lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,
- recurrent aphthous stomatitis, bubble,
- type 1 diabetes mellitus,
- uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Relative contraindications.- poor oral hygiene,
- unsanitized mouth,
- smoking,
- pathological bite,
- osteoporosis (this is attributed to relative contraindications, as there are types of implants suitable for such patients).
Why and how to choose dental implants?Dental implantology is one of the fastest-growing dentistry segments, and it is not a surprise because it works and tremendously benefits patients. The price for a dental implant at Cedar Park Dental Wellness is now comparable to the cost of a metal-ceramic bridge or any other type of dental prosthesis.
There are over 400 implant manufacturers globally, from premium high-cost brands like Nobel Biocare or Strauman to more affordable options like BioHorizons, Ritter, or HIOSSEN. Because of the high cost of specialty equipment and training, most implant-based dental clinics will only carry 2 or 3 implant systems. Still, because all the implants on the US market must go through a rigorous FDA approval process, there should not be any significant differences in the results. So the most critical factor when deciding on placing an implant should be selecting the right dental implant doctor you most comfortable with.
What are the adverse results of dental implants? The use of modern implantation methods and quality of implant material has increased this method's success over the past 20 years. On average, implants' survival rate for 7-10 years is now 96-98%. And the success rates on the lower jaw are always higher than on the upper jaw. This is because the bone of the lower jaw is denser, which gives the implants good primary stability immediately after their placement (this is one of the main factors of successful implantation).
Thus, implant rejection is rare, and the main reason for patients' dissatisfaction is the low esthetic appearance of the gum, especially around the neck of the implant. It is often a pronounced gum blueness, the development of inflammatory complications (mucositis and periimplantitis). Gum recession and the metal neck of the implant may also become visible.